Legacy Apparel & Artisan Goods is committed to helping causes that are on the forefront of ending generational poverty and inequity locally and globally.

When you shop with Legacy Apparel & Artisan Goods, you’ll have the opportunity to help us create an impact for charitable causes.

With all purchases, Legacy will donate $1 to the cause of your choice. You also have the option to add a donation of your own amount. When you see the "Add On" icon at check out, you can learn more about the causes we’re supporting and make a contribution.

If you decide to add a donation to your purchase, 100% of your contribution will be given to the cause of your choosing.
Our Causes
We're an LA based brand and wanted to partner with a local organization that aims to end homelessness in LA by focusing on long term housing stability & case-by-case care. 97% of LAFH participants remain permanently housed. Learn more.
Operates in Mumbai, India and focuses on freeing children from all forms of exploitation through education, vocational training, healthcare, rehabilitation & more. Vision Rescue promotes intergenerational transformation in a nation with approximately 65 million living in slums; experiencing malnourishment and high risk situations. Learn more.
This amazing organization stretches across Iraq, Syria, Latin America, the United States, and beyond to respond to crises caused by violence, poverty, or natural disaster. PLC is helping families rebuild after experiencing the traumas of war, gun violence, & more through food relief, shelter aid, job training, community support & more. Learn more.
Operates on a global scale, with offices in 19 locations in 14 countries. Their mission is to end the abuse of children, women, and men for their bodies and labor. Human trafficking is modern-day slavery and strips individuals of both their purpose & power. A21 through a reach, rescue and restore model is giving people their life & freedom back. Learn more.
This climate change organization is a coalition of renowned scientist and policymakers who are on the forefront of environmental justice. Evergreen holds lawmakers accountable. In a landmark victory they most recently pushed the President of the United States to sign the IRA (Inflation Reduction Act) which includes $369 billion for climate change provisions. Learn more.